5 Hot Tips For Building Confidence

Do you feel as confident as you would like? Is waffling while making decisions something you can relate to? Would you like to be able to regularly speak up with more ease? If your dreams include feeling better about yourself in a significant kind of way, you’re in the right place! Grab your cup of tea/java (& perhaps a goodie; yum!), & take a peek at my blog post &/or have a listen to my video below!

“To be yourself in a world that’s constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Show Notes:

Becoming more confident is a journey; it does not happen over night. Many people struggle with confidence - including middle aged & older adults! It’s very much possible to increase your level of confidence. With increased confidence, life becomes less stressful & overwhelming. You’ll also feel happier. Here are 5 tips to help you! (I have oodles of other ideas as well.)

  1. Find something you love & hone in on that passion. Become a (mini) expert in your chosen area. Examples: music, athletics, dance, an academic pursuit, chess, a social justice cause, art, working with animals, etc. Becoming an expert in a particular area will 100% help you feel more confident! Next - share your knowledge & passion with others.

  2. Stop negative self-talk. Just do it! Pay attention to how you speak to & about yourself. Think of Brene Brown’s words: “Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love.” Practice speaking lovingly & kindly to yourself. Eventually, it will become a habit & second nature!

  3. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is an imperative step on the journey of growing in confidence & self-love. Comparing yourself to others simply does not serve you; often it ends up causing you to take a step or two backwards. Instead, focus on the light inside of you - that which is unique about you - & nurture that special gift (those special gifts).

  4. Hang out with people who are positive - those who encourage & support your dreams! I can not emphasize enough how important this choice/behavior is. It will have a huge & long-lasting impact on your life! Choose friends, partners & associates care-fully.

  5. Practice loving self-care. I think y’all know how strongly I feel about self-care by now! Shower yourself with loving-kindness daily. You are worth it; seriously!

I know your confidence will blossom beautifully if you stay committed to this goal. It takes practice & patience. One step, situation, conversation & day at a time. Best Wishes on this exciting journey. I’m rooting for you! XO



Hi! I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover and guidance counselor for adults. I love helping young women navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls. Thank you so much for your time today. It’s always my pleasure to get to know you! I hope you enjoyed my video.

Please follow me on my Facebook Business Page. If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

Love + Meow.

❤ Mary


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