How Can I Start Feeling Better About Myself?

If you’re not feeling too great about yourself right now (& maybe are even feeling kind of “yucky” or funky), check out this post where I answer Violet’s very important question about increasing self-esteem & feeling better overall.

“Respect your uniqueness, and drop comparison. Relax into your being.”

~ Osho

SHOW (+ a few additional) NOTES:

  • If you’re not feeling great about yourself (your self-esteem is in the dumps), remember that starting to feel better is a process & takes time. There’s not an overnight solution, but things will get better! Your self-esteem will grow. (*Providing that a general medical condition & clinical depression have already been ruled out.*)

  • Here’s a fun suggestion! Make a list of all of your amazing skills, gifts, traits, etc. (ie., kindness, artistic talent, athletic abilities, sense of humor, tech savvy-ness, etc. Be specific.). Ask 3 of your closest “peeps” to do the same for you. You’ll be delighted & probably surprised by the lists. Keep the lists & refer to them often.

  • HSP CORNERSTONES (HSPs require all of the following daily if possible):

    1. Quiet time - An absolute necessity for HSPs.

    (Suggested time: 2 hours minimum/daily. An essential for me.)

    2. Exercise/Movement - Helpful in so many ways; definitely a stress reducer & sleep enhancer.

    3. Really good nutrition & hydration - Another game changer!

    4. Time in nature &/or with animals - Food for our soul.

    5. Good sleep - A topic for a future blog post!

  • Stop Negative Thoughts/Thinking. Be mindful of your self-talk. Catch yourself when you speak badly/critically about yourself. Say (aloud or to yourself) the word “Stop” or “Cancel” or “Delete” or “No” if that helps. Decreasing negative self-talk will have a huge impact on your life.

  • Drop comparisons (like Osho states above). This is one of my cardinal rules when working with my beautiful clients. Comparison takes us nowhere - fast! It can really do a number on one’s self-esteem. As with negative thoughts/thinking, let go of comparing yourself to another. It’s definitely a process to let go of comparisons; it takes time. Be mindful; practice self-love. I’m in your corner - rooting for you!

  • Look for daily inspo! Inspiration is so important for HSPs. It’s all around us - from the beautiful, fluttering butterflies we see in our garden - to a quote or song that makes our heart feel deeply - to a tender moment we witness between 2 human beings (or our dear animal friends). Journal about the inspo you see/feel (if writing is your cup of tea). Or maybe create some art!

  • Practice Gratitude Daily. This practice will 100% change your outlook & your life if you do it DAILY! I plan to write an entire blog post on gratitude in the near future. Acknowledge your many gifts & blessings; journal about them. Tweak the way you look at yourself & life - with a heart filled with gratitude.

  • Hang out with positive & uplifting people. Choose your friends carefully. The impact of our closest circle of friends/family/associates on our life is immeasurable.

  • Reach out for professional help if you need to do so. It’s a courageous step!

  • If you’re committed to the journey of self-discovery & personal growth, in time, your esteem & confidence will flourish. You will feel better! I’ve witnessed this wonderful phenomenon many times during my life!


The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown

The Gratitude Diaries by Janice Kaplan

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

The Self Confidence Workbook by Barbara Markway, Ph.D.


Hi there! I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover and guidance counsellor for adults. I love helping young women navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls. Thank you so much for your time today. It’s always my pleasure to get to know you and be of support. I do hope you enjoyed my video :)

Please follow me on my Facebook Business Page. If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

Love + Meow.

❤ Mary


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