6 Simple Tips For Less Stress & More Bliss

Do you feel a little (or lot) stressed out on the daily? Would you like to bring a spirit of serenity to your activities, 1:1 connections & other life commitments? HSPs become overloaded & overwhelmed easily. I know “overwhelm” all too well! In this post & video, I share some simple & savvy tips to help you stress less & increase your bliss. Don’t forget to grab your ‘cuppa’ tea or java (& maybe your purring kitty cat)! Communing with cats has been scientifically proven to lower blood pressure in many individuals. Meow!

What You Will Learn: Mary’s 6 Tips

  • 1. “Hand on Heart” - A very simple exercise to ground & relax us. Feeling the rhythm of one’s heartbeat is both calming & awe-inspiring. Our bodies are miraculously beautiful! I place my hand on my heart each morning, each evening before going to sleep & throughout the day as needed.

  • 2. Movement - HSPs are able to hyper-focus for long periods of time. Please remember to take breaks throughout the day. It’s SO easy to get lost in our work, creative endeavors, etc. Set a timer if need be. Stretch, move &/or shut your eyes for a brief time. We take in about 80% of stimuli via our eyes, so closing them is very soothing. (I’ll have to do some research on visually impaired HSPs.)

  • 3. Gratitude - Oh my goodness! Practicing gratitude impacts almost every aspect of our lives. It changes the way we see, feel & experience “all the things.” Gratitude shifts our mindset & influences our behavior. Note to self: I must write a separate blog post on gratitude. I highly recommend keeping a gratitude journal. For what & whom are you most grateful?

  • 4. Decreasing Tech Time - I also highly recommend limiting time on technology (non-work related, obvi!). Be mindful of how much screen time you’re logging. Take breaks. Step into nature. Create a positive rhythm that works for you. I get overloaded very easily - & rarely (if ever) begin my day looking at screens. I relish easing peacefully & slowly into my day. Rushing does not work for me nor for most HSPs!

  • 5. List*Making (“Brain Unwinding/de-cluttering”) - This practice has helped me immensely throughout my life. I think it may help you too. I’ve finally converted from a paper calendar to google calendar! This change was MAJOR for me. (#OldSchool) Result: I really like my g-calendar & its accompanying list-making bonuses (off to the side of the calendar). I now keep 95% of my ‘To Dos’ + tasks, etc. all in this one handy dandy place. Previously, my system was not as well organized. I LOVE list-making & brain organizing! It really calms me. What systems & practices work for you? I’m interested!

  • 6. Get outside each day! - Please, whenever possible, make sure you spend some quality time outdoors - even if only in your yard - & even if only briefly! Stop, take a break, smell the flowers, breathe the fresh air & give thanks.

    “We don’t realize, that somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme self who is eternally at peace.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert


Declutter Your Mind by S.J. Scott & Barrie Davenport

Practicing Mindfulness by Matthew Sockolov

Any lovely gratitude journal of your choosing!

The Honest Guys / YouTube Meditations (I love their meditations!)


Hi; I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover and guidance counselor for adults. I love helping young women navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls. Thank you so much for your time today. It’s always my pleasure to get to know & support you. I hope you enjoyed my video!

Please follow me on my Facebook Business Page. If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

Love + Meow.

❤ Mary


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