Creating Meaningful Morning &/or Evening Rituals

Would you & your daily schedule benefit from having a little more structure? Is setting an intention for your day something that appeals to you? If so, you’re in the right place! I love writing about morning (& daily) rituals. And I would love to hear your ideas too. Rituals enrich our lives!

“She woke up every morning with the option of being anyone she wished. How beautiful it was that she always chose herself.”

-Tyler Kent White

A Morning Ritual provides a lovely opportunity to set the tone for our day. I find that it really helps me focus on what’s most important & prioritize my seemingly endless “To Dos.” A Possible Morning Ritual Could Look Like This! (Obviously, your routine will depend upon your work & life obligations. Some of us have more freedom & “wiggle room” than others.)

  • Light a (scented) candle & offer your morning meditation. Maybe a breath meditation. (Inhale love & light; exhale stress & overwhelm.)

  • Journal for 10-15 minutes. Perhaps journal about your gratitude, your dreams or your sensitivity. Be creative; go wild!

  • Stretch/Yoga for 10-15 minutes. I like doing wall push-ups & jumping rope too.

  • Set an intention for your day &/or list your 3 major “To Dos” for your day. (I like to list my “To Dos” the night before. This practice helps to organize my “very full brain.”)

  • Don’t forget to eat your healthy breakfast; very important! You might even do a little prep the night before - especially if you have kiddos!

An Evening Ritual provides the opportunity for us to wind down, reflect & practice loving self-care. Oh - so important! A Possible Evening Ritual Could Look Like This!

  • A luxurious (lavender) bubble bath in candlelight. Ooh-La-La!

  • Setting aside time for reading &/or writing (ie. perhaps writing the book that has been percolating inside of you!).

  • A short meditation. Maybe a guided meditation for relaxation & a sound night of sleep.

  • A cup of hot herbal tea.

  • Thanking God/Spirit/Universe for your day.

  • Nighty Night. Sleep Tight.

  • (What ideas would you like to add?)


Atomic Habits by James Clear (I’ve heard this book is excellent - a total game changer! Have not yet read it but really enjoy his weekly emails.)

The Morning Sidekick Journal (recommended to me by my stellar holistic biz coach, Valerie Cline -

The Honest Guys / YouTube Meditations (I love their meditations!)


I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover and guidance counsellor for adults. I love helping young women navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls. Thank you so much for your time today. It’s always my pleasure to get to know you and be of support. I do hope you enjoyed my video :)

Please follow me on my Facebook Business Page. If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

Love + Meow.

❤ Mary


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