What does it mean to be an HSP?

Have you ever wondered what it actually means to be an HSP? I mean: Aren’t almost all humans sensitive? Well, yes, many people are sensitive to one degree or another. But, being an HSP is something different, something much more nuanced.

Let’s explore this intriguing & misunderstood subject together. Shall we?

“For a highly sensitive person, a drizzle feels like a monsoon.”

~ Anonymous

What you will learn in this video:

The term, “highly sensitive person” (HSP), was coined by Elaine Aron, PhD. High Sensitivity is also known as “sensory processing sensitivity.” Being an HSP is much more than simply being “very sensitive” & “very emotional.”

  • Approximately 15-20% of the world’s population are HSPs.

  • 70% are introverts; 30% are extroverts.

  • DOES” describes an HSP very well. I discuss this acronym in more detail in the video.

  • D = Depth of Processing (We think, feel & experience deeply.)

  • O = Over-stimulation (We stress easily due to everything we’re constantly processing - at a much deeper than average level. Think: Overload & Overwhelm. )

  • E = Emotional Responsiveness & Empathy (We bring emotional intensity & empathy to most every situation.)

  • S = Sensitivity to Subtleties (Ticking clocks, Loud noises, Snoring; oh my!)

HSPs have finely tuned nervous systems & are “highly aware” human beings. Our brain’s amygdala (fight or flight) is very active/amplified. So are our mirror neurons. We’re able to hyper-focus easily. Some HSPs believe the term, “Highly Aware Person,” is a more accurate description of our trait. I’m fine with either/both.

Research shows that HSPs respond quite favorably to psychotherapy & counselling (more so than our non-HSP counterparts). Again, remember: HSPs process DEEPLY & possess a high level of awareness. These abilities/gifts pair beautifully with the healing experience of psychotherapy & counselling.

An HSP brain has been compared to a super computer - ie, many “tabs” are open, & they’re all working pretty much at full capacity.

HSPs become physically & emotionally exhausted quite readily (no wonder!) & ideally need to take several breaks throughout the day. I highly recommend breaks! Eating regularly is also key. (I need to work on this one.)

Self-care is imperative for HSPs. I recommend taking 2 hours (minimum) of quiet time per day. (This is part of the reason why intimate partnerships are frequently challenging for HSPs - especially if our partner does not understand our HSP-ness.)

It’s extremely important to connect with other HSPs. We understand one another, and therefore, are able to truly support each other.

High Sensitivity is our Super Power; It’s an extraordinary gift!

I see, feel & “get” you! 100%!!


The Highly Sensitive Person

The Highly Sensitive Person's Workbook

(both written by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D.)

The Empath’s Survival Guide by Judith Orloff, M.D.


I’m Mary - a Highly Sensitive Person, cat lover and guidance counsellor for adults. I love helping young women navigate life while caring for their sensitive souls. Thank you so much for your time today. It’s always my pleasure to get to know you and be of support. I do hope you enjoyed my video :)

Please follow me on my Facebook Business Page. If my work resonates with you, I think you’ll enjoy joining my email list & receiving my free HSP Manifesto. Hope to connect with you soon!

Love + Meow.

❤ Mary


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